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When I was 14, I made this freeware fangame called Neo Sonic Universe. You may choose up to five characters to play on lots of fun levels. Bonus levels and a cool battle mode are included. On its time, this game was really popular among Internet kids.

A year before, I developed another fangame called Super Mario World X. This is also a jump'n run, and it's a lot of fun! If you prove you're a die-hard fan, you can unlock a cool special world.

Both games got featured on local gaming magazines, Internet portals, etc. Eventually, although it's been a long time since they were first released, people still ask me questions about these freeware games.


During my teens, I also had an amateur game making website called Gaming. Probably my largest project back then, it's no longer online - but its full backup is still available.


Incomplete games from that time include: Sonic Universe Classic Collection, Arena 2099 Beta, Kalculando.

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

I can also show you some really old unpolished abandonware: Ant Volleyball, Classic Snake, DKCPC, Games Creator, SMWX2, woltZ.


Later on, with a few friends, I made some mini-games: Joao Violao, Lucid Dream, Trilha, Lost Feathers, Naufragos, etc. These are (mostly) unpolished abandonware.

Starting from 1997, there are many other games in my past. Some are lost. Others, abandoned (to a point there's too little to show off)... And many were pretty bad. :-)